Our high-quality suite of STEM enrichment activities for clubs, camps, and STEM specials.
Engineering is Elementary | Middle School | STEM Education | STEM Learning | YES Curricula | Classroom | Elementary School | YES Enrichment | STEM Activities | Friday, September 6
Introducing YES Enrichment
Museum of Science | STEM Education | STEM Learning | Professional Learning | STEM Careers/Careers in STEM | Curriculum | Engineering Careers & Jobs | Engineering Education | National Grid | Problem Solvers | EarthShot | Monday, August 26
Lighting the Way in STEM Education with Help from National Grid
The YES and EiE sponsor’s generosity helped illuminate some incredible activities.
STEM Education | English Language Learners (ELLs) | STEM Teachers & Educators | Pilot Testers/Pilot Testing | PLANETS | DEAIB | Wednesday, July 17
OPEN CALL: Pilot Testers Wanted for NASA-Funded Curriculum Program
Out-of-School Time program seeks educators for pilot testing for grades 6-8.
Engineering is Elementary | Middle School | STEM Education | STEM Learning | YES Curricula | Classroom | YES in the Media | Christine Cunningham | Scientific American | Elementary School | Engineering Education | Lemelson Foundation | MathWorks | Conference | Friday, July 12
Sticky Notes: Keynote and Key Ideas
A quick recap of recent and notable YES and EiE activities.
Professional Development | Engineering is Elementary | Middle School | STEM Education | STEM Learning | YES Curricula | Professional Learning | Classroom | Christine Cunningham | Elementary School | Teacher Educator Institute | Tuesday, July 2
Professional Learning: A Teacher’s Best (STEM) Friend
An Interview with YES and EiE’s Founding Director, and the Director of Professional Learning.