A research-backed, equity-focused approach to out-of-school STEM enrichment.
Afterschool/Summer Camp | Engineering Design Process | Middle School | STEM Education | Classroom | Emergent Multilingual Learners (MLLs) | Elementary School | YES Enrichment | STEM Activities | Reading/Writing | English Learner | National Science Foundation/NSF | Tuesday, November 26
Equity-Oriented Engineering: The YES Enrichment Approach
EiE Families | Middle School | STEM Education | YES Curricula | Professional Learning | Christine Cunningham | Elementary School | MathWorks | SLECop Convening | Congress/Congressional Briefing | Mass EoE | MA STEM Week | MA STEM Teacher Fair | Tuesday, November 19
Sticky Notes: Congressional Briefing, Conferences, MA STEM Week, & More
A quick recap of recent and notable YES (Youth Engineering Solutions) and EiE (Engineering is Elementary) activities.
Engineering is Elementary | Middle School | STEM Education | STEM Learning | YES Curricula | Classroom | Elementary School | YES Enrichment | STEM Activities | Friday, September 6
Introducing YES Enrichment
Our high-quality suite of STEM enrichment activities for clubs, camps, and STEM specials.
Engineering is Elementary | Middle School | STEM Education | STEM Learning | YES Curricula | Classroom | YES in the Media | Christine Cunningham | Scientific American | Elementary School | Engineering Education | Lemelson Foundation | MathWorks | Conference | Friday, July 12
Sticky Notes: Keynote and Key Ideas
A quick recap of recent and notable YES and EiE activities.
Professional Development | Engineering is Elementary | Middle School | STEM Education | STEM Learning | YES Curricula | Professional Learning | Classroom | Christine Cunningham | Elementary School | Teacher Educator Institute | Tuesday, July 2
Professional Learning: A Teacher’s Best (STEM) Friend
An Interview with YES and EiE’s Founding Director, and the Director of Professional Learning.