As part of our commitment to increasing diversity in STEM, we’re examining representation of female students in STEM education and career fields. Looking at retention and advancement rates for women and girls in various specialized fields and degree paths, we’ve seen some areas for improvement as well as some amazing strides toward equity in science, technology engineering and math.
Engineering for All | Create a Generation of Problem Solvers | Computer Science | Thursday, December 10
The STEM Gap: Girls and Women in STEM
Engineering for All | Computer Science | Virtual Learning | Tuesday, December 8
Join us for Hour of Code this #CSEdWeek!
Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual call to action for educators and families working to inspire the next generations of K-12 students to learn computer science. The goals of the week include advocating for equity in computer science education and celebrating the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field.
Engineering for All | Computer Science | Virtual Learning | Friday, December 4
Use Computer Science for Social Justice with #CSEdWeek!
Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual call to action, originally launched by the Association for Computing Machinery and several other education groups, in hopes of inspiring the next generations of K-12 students to learn computer science. The goals of the week include advocating for equity in computer science education and celebrating the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field.
Engineering Habits of Mind | EiE Teaching Tips | Create a Generation of Problem Solvers | Computer Science | Thursday, November 19
The Habits of Mind in the Essentials Curriculum
One exciting feature of the Engineering and Computer Science Essentials curriculum is a set of resources focused on the EiE Habits of Mind. Today, we’ll examine two of those resources: Lesson-Specific Habits and Habits of Mind Discussion Prompts.
Engineering Habits of Mind | EiE Teaching Tips | Create a Generation of Problem Solvers | Computer Science | Tuesday, November 17
Using Habits of Mind in the Classroom
As part of the development of the Engineering and Computer Science Essentials curriculum, the EiE team created the EiE Habits of Mind, a list of 19 practices used by engineers and computer scientists. Today, we’ll look more closely at how this list is useful in the classroom.