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Preparing Kids for the Future: Computer Science in Kindergarten

Posted by EiE Team on Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Kindergarten is an ideal time to introduce age-appropriate engineering and computer science challenges to your youngest learners. With just-right, age-appropriate engineering and computer science challenges, you can set your youngest learners up for success and develop essential cognitive, social, motor, and language skills, and excite a lifelong passion for STEM.

Computer Science core skills in particular, which rely on problem-solving, computational thinking, and resilience, are foundational for young learners for the rest of their education. And, according to Edutopia, students rank computer science just behind art and dance as their favorite topic!

Introducing kindergarten students to computer science in early education can have numerous benefits, including:

  • Developing Problem Solving Skills
    Computer science challenges require students to think logically and critically, breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts
  • Enhancing Computational Thinking
    This skill is about breaking down problems into their smallest components and analyzing them. As students learn to write code or program the steps of a robot, they develop this critical skill, which will be useful in a range of fields and careers.
  • Improving Motor Skills
    Computer science challenges often involve using devices such as robots or other digital tools that require motor skills. Engaging with these tools can improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
  • Boosting Creativity
    Students can explore new ways of thinking and approach problems in unique ways, which can help them think creatively and innovatively.
  • Developing Social Emotional Learning
    Students learn to work in teams, communicate their ideas effectively, and practice resilience when facing challenges and set backs.

Now, you can engage the youngest learners with Computer Science for Kindergarten, from EiE!

Unknown-1-1EiE for Kindergarten builds a strong base of inquiry, exploration and critical thinking that prepares children for success in school and in life. With our Computer Science for Kindergarten unit Sort it Out: Programming Robots to Recycle, young students become computer engineers as they work to clean up a park and keep trash out of the landfill. They’ll sort and count items and decide which ones can be recycled. Then, they’ll design a program for a robot that takes trash to the right bin. 

Teachers can choose a fully unplugged lesson, not using digital devices at all, or follow the plugged version using robots.

Learn more about our Computer Science for Kindergarten unit here!

Written by EiE Team

Topics: EiE Resources for Teachers, Early Childhood STEM Education, EiE Teaching Tips, Kindergarten, EiE for Kindergarten, Create a Generation of Problem Solvers, STEM Implementation, Computer Science

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