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Profiles | Engineering for All | Funding | STEM Funding | Computer Science | Tuesday, December 14

Thank You, National Grid, for the Gift of Try It! Kits!

We’d like to extend an enormous thank you to National Grid for their generous donation that supports the distribution of our engineering Try It! Kits to families across Eastern Massachusetts! 

EiE Teaching Tips | Engineering Everywhere | Afterschool | Engineering Activities | Computer Science | Monday, December 6

#CSEdWeek Will Show Us Computer Science is Everywhere!

Join us for Computer Science Education Week, December 6 to 10, for all new activities for your Computer Science learners!

Out-of-School time | Engineering Everywhere | Computer Science | Monday, November 29

Show Students Computer Science is Everywhere with #CSEdWeek!

Computer science has become incredibly important in our daily lives, but its impact can sometimes be invisible. This year, Computer Science Education Week is shining a light on these impacts with its theme of #CSEverywhere. 

Early Engineering | Computer Science | Virtual Learning | MOS at School | Tuesday, October 19

Experience the Museum of Science anytime, anywhere!

Discover our ALL-NEW program, MOS at School! Now you can bring the wonder of the Museum of Science directly to your classroom with live presentations from our Museum educators. 

EiE Resources for Teachers | Computer Science | Careers for Engineers | Latin Heritage Month | Spanish Resources | Thursday, October 14

More EiE Resources in Spanish!

Earlier this month, we offered a free download of one of our digital STEM storybooks, Mariana Becomes a Butterfly, as part of our celebration of Latinx Heritage. Did you know we have more resources available in both Spanish and English? Here are a few more to explore!

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