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Out-of-School time | Afterschool | Afterschool/Summer Camp | Engineering Adventures | Tuesday, September 11

Design Fail? Four Key Questions That Help Kids Troubleshoot

Imagine this scenario. You’re doing an Engineering Adventures activity with the kids in your afterschool program. They’ve been working hard designing and testing . . . only to discover that their technology doesn’t work as planned. When that bubble wand doesn’t produce any bubbles, or the toy car made from a soda bottle doesn’t roll, don’t despair: this is a teachable moment.


Engineering Everywhere | Afterschool/Summer Camp | Engineering Adventures | Thursday, April 20

Seven Superfun Eco-themed Engineering Activities

Happy Earth Day! Are you looking to incorporate some eco-themed activities into your STEM programs? Here are seven superfun curriculum units from EiE's Engineering Adventures and Engineering Everywhere. Engineering Adventures and Engineering Everywhere include project-based, hands-on units to help you implement engineering in a way that fits your time and budget needs. 

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