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Out-of-School time | Afterschool | Afterschool/Summer Camp | Early Engineering | Engineering is Elementary | Create a Generation of Problem Solvers | Engineering Activities | Museum of Science | Thursday, October 28

Halloween STEM Activities for a Spooky Science Weekend!

This Halloween, make Spooky STEM Activities a part of your celebration to engage your learners with mini-lessons sure to be a treat! Check out these simple, spooky STEM activities to do at home with your learners and make Halloween a learning holiday!

Engineering for All | Afterschool/Summer Camp | Create a Generation of Problem Solvers | EiE for Families | Thursday, July 22

Supporting STEM Learning with OSU’s Family Engagement Center

Our friends at Ohio State University’s Family Engagement Center are known for their incredible resources to support family learning. In their most recent newsletter, they featured our activities for STEM learning at home.

Out-of-School time | EiE Teaching Tips | Afterschool | Afterschool/Summer Camp | Create a Generation of Problem Solvers | Friday, April 16

Make the Most of Summer Sessions with These Goals in Mind

Make the most of summer school this year with extended learning opportunities that focus on more than just repeating content. As we return to the classroom, it’s so important to plan to address the academic and social impacts of the last year. 

Out-of-School time | Afterschool/Summer Camp | Engineering is Elementary | STEM Implementation | Wednesday, March 17

Top Summer STEM Trends to Watch!

Making decisions for summer school programs isn’t always easy - it can be challenging to know if a resource or activity will give you and your learners what you need for summer success. This summer, more than ever, students need extra opportunities to expand skills, collaborate and have fun - some of what they missed throughout this year. We’ve identified a few current STEM trends to let you know what is popular - and effective - this summer!

Afterschool/Summer Camp | Friday, February 15

Visit EiE at Beyond School Hours 2019!

From February 20-22, the EiE team will be at the Beyond School Hours conference in Atlanta. We're excited to meet with the out-of-school and afterschool community and share some of our new resources with you! Join us for one of our sessions or stop by booth #310 to enter our raffle for an educator guide, chat with our team, and try your hand at engineering earthquake-resistant buildings.

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