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Out-of-School time | Tuesday, February 2

We’re Going to Engineer the Heck Out of This NASA Project

In the hit movie The Martian, Matt Damon plays NASA scientist Mark Watney, who gets marooned on Mars. The situation is dire, but Watney shows grit (plus extreme science and engineering skills) as he jury-rigs devices to make oxygen and water, repair his shelter, and communicate with the folks back on Earth. Who knew that problem-solving and the engineering design process could make for a thrilling Hollywood spectacle?

Out-of-School time | Tuesday, December 22

Afterschool Engineering Activities Feature Farms, Fish, and Fun

EiE’s out-of-school time (OST) curriculum Engineering Everywhere (EE) has two new units that are sure to intrigue and engage middle schoolers in your program. Both units feature cutting-edge topics that track the newest developments in engineering fields:

OST programs can be the key to holding middle schoolers’ interest in STEM. According to the Afterschool Alliance, the middle school years are a “make-or-break” time for many youth, when students either get excited about learning . . . or get totally turned off, especially about STEM subjects.

When the school day's over, when the pressure’s off, when the activities are hands-on and connected to real-life experiences (as they are in these new units), middle schoolers are more likely to get hooked on the excitement and pleasures of science and engineering.

Out-of-School time | Tuesday, December 22

New Afterschool Engineering Activities Feature Farms, Fish, and Fun

EiE’s out-of-school time (OST) curriculum Engineering Everywhere (EE) has two new units that are sure to intrigue and engage middle schoolers in your program. Both units feature cutting-edge topics that track the newest developments in engineering fields:

OST programs can be the key to holding middle schoolers’ interest in STEM. According to the Afterschool Alliance, the middle school years are a “make-or-break” time for many youth, when students either get excited about learning . . . or get totally turned off, especially about STEM subjects.

When the school day's over, when the pressure’s off, when the activities are hands-on and connected to real-life experiences (as they are in these new units), middle schoolers are more likely to get hooked on the excitement and pleasures of science and engineering.

Out-of-School time | Thursday, October 1

EiE Afterschool Curriculum Adds New Options

Every Thursday on the EiE Blog, we share teacher tips and new resources for teaching  K - 8 engineering.

If you're an afterschool educator who plans to do some engineering with your middle schoolers, your choices just got bigger and more fun than ever. Engineering is Elementary has released two new Engineering Everywhere (EE) curriculum units:

This brings to eight the total number of EE units available to out-of-school time programs as free downloads on our website.

Out-of-School time | Thursday, August 20

Apply for a Scholarship to Bring Hands-on STEM to Your Afterschool

Calling all Massachusetts afterschool educators!  You can bring fun, hands-on engineering activities to your elementary program this fall. Apply today for an Engineering Adventures scholarship.

The 2015 scholarships are made possible by a $37,000 award from the innovative philanthropy SheGives Boston to our parent organization, the Museum of Science, Boston. Each scholarship award includes everything you need to implement EiE’s Engineering Adventures (EA) curriculum: educator guide, materials kit, and an invitation to a three-hour professional development workshop here at the Museum of Science.

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