At EiE, we know that kids who develop engineering habits of mind see themselves as engineers. One of the most powerful ways you can help kids envision themselves as engineers is to present them with role models that they can identify with. It’s why our storybooks feature diverse characters from all over the globe. We believe that incorporating historical and cultural connections into engineering is a great way to make lessons relevant to kids in the classroom. If you’re an educator trying to help kids see themselves as engineers, consider taking some time this February, Black History Month, to introduce your kids to a few prominent black engineers who made important contributions to the field.
EiE Resources for Teachers | Tuesday, January 17
Real-World Connections: Black History Month
EiE Resources for Teachers | Thursday, December 15
What We’ve Been Working on in 2016
It has been an eventful year for EiE, and we’re showing no signs of slowing down! When we weren’t busy presenting at conferences, delivering PD across the country and internationally, pilot testing, and compiling results from our E4 study, we spent our time developing new OST units, Pre-K and Kindergarten curricula, and online professional development resources. In case you missed it, here’s a peek at all of the exciting things we’ve been working on this year!
EiE Resources for Teachers | Thursday, December 1
Announcing New Snippets and Classroom Videos
EiE Resources for Teachers | Thursday, August 4
EiE Teacher Tip: Download the EiE Storybook Illustrations
Every Thursday on the EiE Blog we provide teaching tips and resources for your engineering classroom.
Reading the storybook? Download the illustrations! |
When Brittney Armstrong taught her first Engineering is Elementary unit to second graders at Slaughter Elementary in Louisville, KY, she was concerned. "It took us two entire class periods to complete the storybook and discuss it," she says. "That was too long for second graders."
When she shared her concern with another EiE teacher, Brittney got a helpful tip: You can download the illustrations for each of the 20 EiE storybooks from the project website!
EiE Resources for Teachers | Tuesday, August 2
Calling All EiE Teachers: Share Your Ideas for New Digital Storybooks!
What features would YOU like to see in a digital storybook? |
When teachers talk, we listen. You told us you love the storybooks that introduce each Engineering is Elementary unit . . . but you’ve also shared ideas for enhancements. So we’re pleased to announce a new project here at EiE: the Digital Storybook Initiative. Digital storybooks are books you read on a tablet or computer; we’re creating digital versions of all 20 EiE storybooks that will have a host of flexible features to support every learning style.
Now we need your help! Please share your thoughts on the most useful features for this new kind of book by taking a brief online survey.