March is an exciting time here in Boston—the snow is melting, spring is nearly here, and we’re ready to hit the road for conference season! We love meeting EiE educators, answering your burning questions, and finding out about the amazing things you’re doing in your own classrooms or districts. And when you come visit us at a conference, you’re guaranteed to have fun and learn something new. Find our booths to check out our new materials kits or ask us about a new project you’re excited about (like early childhood engineering or digital storybooks). And visit our hands-on sessions, where you’ll get the chance to get your hands dirty and dive deep into some of our tried-and-true (and brand new) engineering design challenges. Check out our spring schedule to find out where and when we’ll be in your area, and let us know if we’ll see you there!
2017 AGATE (Arkansans for Gifted & Talented Education) Conference
Come find our booth in the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Little Rock, AR, on March 1–3, 2017!
ASTA (Alabama Science Teachers Association) Conference
We're thrilled to get to spend some time at the McWane Science Center for ASTA, which takes place in Birmingham, AL, from March 7–8, 2017!
Our own founder and director, Dr. Christine Cunningham, is delivering a keynote presentation titled: "Engineering 3D Learning: How Engineering Develops 'Habits of Mind' that Empower Student Performance."
State and national science standards increasingly emphasize engineering practices, concepts, and core ideas as part of K-12 STEM instruction. This presentation uses a striking collection of candid short videos shot in elementary classrooms around the country to show what engineering looks like at the elementary level, and how classroom engineering develops “three-dimensional” learning that can support young students’ academic success in other subjects. You’ll also learn some concise pedagogical strategies to support robust engineering experiences for children, and hear the evidence for classroom engineering as a way to support science learning.
This keynote will be taking place on Wednesday, March 8th from 9:30 AM–10:20 AM in the Special Events Center on level 3 of the McWane Science Center.
NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) 2017 LA National Conference
NSTA is coming up very soon! If you're in Los Angeles from March 30 – April 2, 2017, swing by the Los Angeles Convention Center and say hello at booth 2061.
We're participating in the Elementary Extravaganza, where our professional development providers Katy Hutchinson and Nia Keith will be running hands-on activities from 8:00 AM–10:00 AM on Friday, March 31 in West Hall B-1. Here's NSTA's description of the Extravaganza:
This Extravaganza is not to be missed! Join elementary groups of professionals for an exceptional opportunity. Gather resources for use in your classroom immediately. Engaging hands-on activities, strategies to excite and encourage your students, a preview of the best trade books available, information about award opportunities, contacts with elementary science organizations, sharing with colleagues, door prizes, and much more will be available to participants. Walk away with a head full of ideas and arms filled with materials.
Our excellent professional development providers are also facilitating four highly interactive sessions at NSTA this year.
- Support Students Who Receive Special Education Services in STEM Education Through Engagement in Engineering Challenges
- Experience a hands-on engineering activity as a means to engage students who receive special education services in elementary classrooms.
- Join Katy Hutchinson and Nia Keith on Friday, March 31, 2017, from 5:00 PM–6:00 PM in the Los Angeles Convention Center, room 502B.
- Support English Language Learners in STEM Education Through Engagement in Engineering Challenges
- Emphasis will be placed on supporting English language learners in elementary classrooms while engaging in building background around a science concept linked with a hands-on engineering activity.
- Join Katy and Nia again on Saturday, April 1, 2017, from 8:00 AM–9:00 AM in the Los Angeles Convention Center, room 502B.
Planting the Seeds of STEAM: Designing Plant Packages with the Consumer in Mind
- We will engage in a hands-on elementary STEAM lesson and consider how engineering design challenges can be modified to develop meaningful STEAM activities.
- Join Katy Hutchinson on Saturday, April 1, 2017, from 2:00 PM–3:00 PM in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall E.
- Cleaning Up the Connections between Science and Literacy: Integrating ELA and Science through Real-World Context
- Attention will be paid to integrating science and ELA instruction in the elementary classroom through a scientific investigation surrounding a real-world problem.
- Join professional development provider Nicole O'Neil on Saturday, April 1, 2017 from 2:00 PM–3:00 PM in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall C
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Annual Meeting & Exposition 2017
We're coming to San Antonio, TX, for NCTM, from April 5–8, 2017. Join professional development provider Chantal Balesdent for her session, "Parachuting Into Practices: An Integrated Elementary STEM Lesson."
Come be an aerospace engineer and use your math and science knowledge to design a parachute that will land on another planet! Find out how an integrated elementary math, science, and engineering lesson can foster student engagement, meet many of the CCSS mathematical practices, and lead to a meaningful learning experience.
This session is happening on Friday, April 7, 2017, from 1:30 PM–2:45PM in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, room 007C.
NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) 2017 Annual International Conference
We're coming right back to San Antonio for April 22–25, 2017, for NARST. Come by the Hyatt Crockett AB on Sunday, April 23, 2017, from 8:30 AM–10:00 AM for a presentation of a related paper set titled, "Learning Disciplinary Knowledge through Engineering Design in the Elementary Grades." The presenters include our founder and director, Dr. Christine Cunningham, and our director of research and evaluation, Cathy Lachapelle.
CEC (Council for Exceptional Children) Special Education Convention & Expo
We'll also be attending CEC, right in our backyard in Boston, MA! We'll be down at the Hynes Convention Center from April 19–22, 2017. Swing by booth 906 and say hello!
AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting
Will you be at the annual AERA Annual Meeting from April 27–May 1, 2017? Check out our director of research and evaluation, Cathy Lachapelle, who will be leading a session entitled "Effectiveness of an Engineering Curriculum Intervention for Elementary School: Moderating Roles of Student Background Characteristics" (date and time TBD).
We continually update our Upcoming Events page. Keep an eye on that page to stay up to date with EiE's activities!